The choice of a Linux distribution is really a matter of end-user
We offer several different Linux installs on our laptops (each
significantly tweaked for the particular laptop you order).
These always include the latest
Fedora, Ubuntu,
CentOS, Debian,
and Slackware
releases at the base prices your see on the system pages.
Our current most popular installs are
Fedora 24 and Ubuntu 16.04.
We also offer Linux laptops with the professional-edition installs of
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and SuSE.
As with our base-price offerings, all
kernel-level updates and hardware configuration support continues to come from
EmperorLinux. These distribution options are intended to give you enhanced
availability of user-space package updates via the distribution packagers'
network update portals.
As all EmperorLinux hardware is 64-bit capable,
installs are 64-bit by default. We also offer 32-bit installs
for customers that request a 32-bit environment.
We will let you have it almost any way you want. Call us; let's have a nice
geeky talk about Linux.
Our own EmperorLinux
is based on the latest Fedora (released every 6 months),
specially modified for optimal performance in a portable environment.
We tailor the system to best meet the needs of our customers,
including the addition of our own custom kernel (the
empkernel) and
laptop-specific utilities to make using Linux on a laptop that much more
enjoyable. EmperorLinux is fully compatible with all the most popular RPM
updating applications (including up2date, Yum, and RHN) so if you have used Red Hat in
the past, then we will recommend the Fedora-based EmperorLinux to you.
We also offer older Fedora releases (depending on your hardware)
if your company or research lab has standardized on those earlier versions.

An offshoot of Debian and our second most popular distribution offering,
Ubuntu builds on the Debian foundation by
adding integration, ease-of-use improvements and features that are tailored
specifically for Linux on the desktop. Ubuntu fixes many Debian problems,
with its primary strength being a 6-month release schedule, meaning nicely
up to date packages in a named release without the need to use the
"Unstable" Debian stream.
We offer a customized installation of Ubuntu's latest release
or the previous LTS version (v 14.04) Long Term Support,
release with all the usual EmperorLinux modifications. Of course you will
continue to benefit from APT for your package management. If you are
comfortable with the less time-stable "stream" nature of the original
APT-based distro, see our Debian offering below.
We also have older Ubuntu installs available for special needs, including
12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin"
Red Hat Enterprise Linux $0
We offer Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
to customers in the academic, government, and corporate sectors.
RHEL 7.2 and RHEL 6.8 are current, while RHEL 5.x from 5.1 up to 5.11 is also available.
We can add RHEL licenses to your quote/order, OR you as the end
user can obtain RHEL entitlements directly from Red Hat, and simply pass on to us
the credentials needed to verify those entitlements. Then, as your
authorized service provider,
we can load RHEL on your system. This saves you the
ownership transfer problem, and very possibly saves you money if your
institution already has an RHEL site license agreement.

We offer Community ENTerprise OS
(CentOS) to those looking for full RHEL compatibility without a support contract
from Red Hat. CentOS is built from the original RHEL sources, with all
copyright and trademark protected materials removed, and is binary
compatible with all RHEL applications and libraries. CentOS follows the
same versioning as RHEL, and is available in the versions listed above.
Older CentOS releases, 5.x up to 5.11 are also available if your lab has
standardized on those.

is a good fit for the experienced Linux user who wants the flexibility and
power of one of the most mature and proven distros around. Debian features
APT, the Advanced Package Tool, which provides the most sophisticated
package installation and removal, dependency tracking and updating available
in the Linux world. We offer a customized installation of
Debian's "Jessie", (currently release v8.5)
stream on our laptops, which has been tweaked with all the usual
EmperorLinux stuff like the empkernel, EmpTool, and our custom ACPI stack.
If you want a more cutting-edge APT-based distro with all the latest goodies,
see our Ubuntu offering above. Of course we include
the empkernel to ensure full
support of your laptop's hardware.

Open SuSE,
currently version Leap 42.1,
is based on the familiar RPM package manager and enjoys a high level of
internationalization support. This is the Open SuSE edition that is freely
downloadable. Earlier SuSE 13.x and 12.x are also available.
The Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED11) edition is also
available at an extra charge.
currently version 14.2,
is, of course, the original Linux distribution (the Emperor grew up on
Slackware before Red Hat existed), and, as such, has many followers in research
and academia. It is a bit harder for the novice to configure, but Slackware
lets you live very close to the hardware, if you are comfortable with that.
Base Slackware does not include Gnome any more. Since the Dropline Gnome
project does such a good job, we include Dropline Gnome in all Slackware
All of our systems are available
dual boot. We also can
provide data interchange partitions and customized partition sizes.