EmperorLinux is the brain child of Tulane University Electrical Engineers
Lincoln Durey (Ph.D.E.E. '98) and
Adriane Swalm Durey (Ph.D.E.E. '03). They
and the rest of the EmperorLinux staff may be contacted
here. We are dedicated to providing the best Linux laptop and notebook
computers possible. We also provide Linux training and consulting.
We use what we sell. Lincoln uses a Toucan
(T21 and T40, screen shot), and
Adriane uses a Raven (X31 and
BlackPerl Z505,
screen shot).
Jeremy has a Rhino (M90, screen shot).
EmperorLinux's main products are their Linux
ultra-portables and
mid-size power portables and
desktop replacements.
Systems are chosen for their reliability and performance under Linux.
EmperorLinux is completely focused on Linux in the portable environment.
Should you ever need technical support, you
will be helped by someone who is a Linux expert. We are the fastest growing
company that sells only Linux portable computers.
Our team of Linux experts goes beyond our founders. To learn about our current
employees, and a little bit about their history of using Linux, check the
roster below:
We refuse to work deep in the bowels of corporate cinder-blocks. We avoid this
by doing our Perl/C/HTML/(any O'Reilly book topic) work outside under the
trees. If you are Dilbert, it's time to get out of the cubicle and into the
forest with one of our laptops.
For a few more details about the company, please check out the
one-page summary of EmperorLinux.